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Race fungusman

Race: Fungusman - to upload a more specific image, click JPG or PNG

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Takish Badlands: The Boundless Gulf (Raid) (Renewal of Ro)
Race Fungusman
Level 133▲▲▲ Tier 14 Epic x4
Location east side of Petrous Woods ( -638, 141, -554 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

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Huhmuhngus Fuhngus Amuhngus is a Tier 3 raid boss.


  • 118 Flurry Avoidance
  • 337 Ability Doublecast Avoidance
  • 9194 Resolve


  • This fight has a time limit of 45 minutes.
  • Three types of fungusmen join the fight periodically to assist their leader.
    • Freihdy Fuhngus are small-sized fungusmen that are non-attackable. They arrive in various locations around Petrous Woods and run sporadically in a tight radius. Each living Freihdy increases the offensive and defensive abilities of Huhmuhngus. When approached by a player, the Freihdy becomes afraid of that person specifically. That person, and only that person, can then collect the Freihdy to destroy it and gain one increment of Formidable Fuhngus Suppression, which increases the damage from all incoming sources by 25% per increment. It also applies a gray-scale vision to the player.
    • Frehnzy Fungus are medium-sized fungusmen that arrive in the far reaches of Petrous Woods. They immediately race towards Huhmungus' target. Frehnzy Fungus have Fungal Communication which, when combined with Huhmuhngus' Fungal Hivemind, deals a large cooperative strike against their target.
    • Notfuhn Fuhngus are large-sized fungusment that arrive in various locations around Petrous Woods. They are permanently rooted and are initially invulnerable. Dragging a Frehnzy Fuhngus into a Notfuhn Fuhngus removes the invulnerability and instantly destroys the Frehnzy Fuhngus. The Notfuhn Fuhngus remain invulnerable (though the Frehnzy is still destroyed) if standing near Huhmungus and heal him while they remain close. The area of this healing circle increases as more Notfuhn arrive.
  • Players within 25 meters of Huhmuhngus receive an incurable elemental called Fungal Rain that deals growing cold damage and makes the caster unable to cast hostile spells.
  • At several checkpoints, Huhmuhngus begins watching a particular archetype. At a subsequent checkpoint, Huhmuhngus then instantly slays any player of that archetype. If the player has any number of increments of Formidable Fuhngus Suppression, the player is instead spared, and all increments are removed off the player.
    • At 90%, Huhmuhngus begins watching priests. At 75%, it executes any unprotected priests.
    • At 70%, Huhmuhngus begins watching mages. At 55%, it executes any unprotected mages.
    • At 50%, Huhmuhngus begins watching scouts. At 35%, it executes any unprotected scouts.
    • At 30%, Huhmuhngus begins watching fighters. At 25%, it executes any unprotected fighters. The fighter currently targeted by Huhmuhngus does not require any protection.
    • At 20%, Huhmuhngus again begins watching priests. At 10%, it executes any unprotected priests.
    • Players who are being watched and are within 25 meters of Huhmuhngus receive an incurable trauma called All Tripped Up which decreases healing received and deals growing physical damage. Additional increments are applied while the player remains within 25 meters.
  • Players within 15 meters of Huhmuhngus receive an incurable noxious called Fast Growing Fungus which deals growing noxious damage over time. This detriment is then spready virally to any players within 8 meters of the afflicted. These players can then spread the detriment to others in a repeating cycle.
  • Huhmuhngus does not cast any form of Barrage; Bulwark of Order can be used as a simple debuff.