Search for an old weapon in the Ruins of Old Paineel.
An old erudite weapon can be found close to the Ruins teleporter. ( 1714, -108, 3431 ) Copy/waypoint 1714, -108, 3431
an old erudite weapon
Switch the weapon you found for the weapon in the Hall of Wizardry. ( 2000, -298, 3365 ) Copy/waypoint 2000, -298, 3365
Unidentified Weapon
Speak to Safa in the Hall of the Fell Blade ( 1887, -299, 3424 ) Copy/waypoint 1887, -299, 3424 and convince her that searching the battlegrounds in Kejaan's Rill is a waste of time.
Return to the Hua Mein spirit in Kerra Village.
At least 70g
Completing this quest gives +5,000 faction with Hua Mein