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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced LU42
Journal Level 85 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Epic
Starting Zone Jarsath Wastes more
How to Start Talk again to Izzal Din in JW ( -690, -109, -849 ) Copy
part of: Berserker Epic Weapon Timeline
Preceded by:
The Responsibilities / The Consequences of a Berserker's Rage
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. You need 3 body drops from raid mobs in any order
  2. Go with these items, your weapon and 100 smoldering coal (T8 coal) to the The Infernal Forge of Ages in Solusek's Eye (Zone is at ( -69, -627, -123 ) Copy in Sol Eye (sub level 7)). Inside you'll find a recipe next to the forge (Knowledge of Honing the Dragon's Temper). Scribe it and create your mythical weapon. The level 2 recipe is Honing the Dragon's Temper.


This quest is part of the Berserker Epic Weapon Timeline, and can only be started/completed by a member of that class of at least Level 80.
