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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Signature
Introduced LU42
Journal Level 85 (Tier 9)
Journal Difficulty Heroic
Starting Zone Chelsith more
How to Start Examine the item "Jone's Pirate Map" after killing The Pirate Jones
part of: Swashbuckler Epic Weapon Timeline
Preceded by:
In a Pirate's Wake
Followed by:
The Voice of the Sea
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. The map sends you to spot on top of the pillars near Charasis: Emperor's Athenaeum entrance in Jarsath Wastes, ( 802, -33, 159 ) Copy on pillar. You will need to skirt the gorge around to the right. Easiest to jump from about ( 828, -35, 169 ) Copy. On that small pillar, you will see a mound of dirt that is clickable, click "dig" to get update and memoirs
  2. Head to Qeynos Harbor and talk to the salty sailor named Velnia near the docks ( 911, -25, 93 ) Copy (she is by the shipbuilding area).
  3. Next head to the Thundering Steppes docks and talk to Rellinn near the global teleporter ( -560, -15, -498 ) Copy
  4. Last but not least head to Dregs Landing in Kylong Plains and talk to Samraln near the Commonlands side of the docks ( 983, 2, 330 ) Copy.
  5. Speak with Captain Screewoggin on the Enchanted Lands docks
    • Talk to Screewoggin who will zone you in to an instance to fight The Pirate Jones! Once you get in the zone, hail Screewoggin. You will see a ship move up along the right side of your ship. This takes a few moments so you will have time to put buffs on at this time. Be prepared he does have a knock back and at 70% his crew will join in.
    • If needed, see the discussion page on more details on how to fight him

STOP! If your goal is to have the Item for the Epic Conversion Timeline, you do NOT need to do the RAID version. You can begin that timeline now.


This quest is part of the Swashbuckler Epic Weapon Timeline, and can only be started/completed by a member of that class of at least Level 80.
