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The Picklaw Depths

High Keep: The Pickclaw Depths (Heroic)

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EverQuest II Instanced Zone Information
Introduced Tears of Veeshan
Level Range 102-103
Zone in from Vesspyr Isles
Parent Zone None
Difficulty Group
Failure Lockout failure lockout needed!
Success Lockout success lockout needed!
NPCs Monsters Names
Drops   POIs Discos

What does this information mean?


  • Zone in from Karak Peak. ( -317, 166, -581 ) Copy
  • It's recommended that you have 500 crit chance for this zone.


  1. Grab the pie in the kitchen ( -107, -131, -35 ) Copy, to throw it in Blooglys face, then fight him, to recieve a safe key.
  2. Open the safes to take the blue bar, making Nurgal aggro to fight him.
  3. Retrieve your weapons from the chest near Zorin. ( -126, -145, -208 ) Copy

Lore and History[]

  • Before the Shattering, High Keep, located in Highpass in the tall Antonican mountain range known as the Serpent's Spine, was also sometimes called Highkeep Castle, Highpass Hold, or Highhold. High Keep was established by Sean McCabe and became well known as a gambling resort[1] and spa, equipped with natural bathhouses and mud pits[2].
  • Carson McCabe, Sean's son, eventually came to dominate trade on most of Norrath.[3] High Keep was the seat of a former empire that spread its power over central Antonica. The inhabitants of High Keep used their wits and resources to form a thriving center of trade, both legal and illegal, passing through the center of the continent.
  • During the rule of Carson McCabe, while adding additional floors under the keep, construction crews tunneled into the Pickclaw goblins[4], who remain a problem there to the present day.[5]
  • The post-Shattering fate of High Keep and its major passage in Antonica, Highpass Hold, was previously unconfirmed; however, some rumors[6] indicate that it was (or is) the secret headquarters of the powerful Far Seas Trading Company (FSTC).


High Keep Map 5

High Keep Map 5

High Keep Map 6

High Keep Map 6


  1. "Tome of Destiny, Chapter X: The Rending". The Athenaeum. http://www.lorelibrary.com/?page=website&wid=10&ss=Highkeep
  2. "Bogstrutter Isle Guide". The Athenaeum. http://www.lorelibrary.com/?page=book&bid=203&ss=Highkeep
  3. "History of Everquest". Lore of Norrath. http://loreofnorrath.wordpress.com/history-of-everquest/
  4. "Highkeep". Lore of Norrath. http://loreofnorrath.wordpress.com/category/highkeep/
  5. Ry "Roshen" Schueller. "Tears of Veeshan: High Keep". Everquest II Community News. https://www.everquest2.com/news/tears-of-veeshan-high-keep
  6. As stated by Vhalen Loremaster in the oldest EQ2 forums, now lost. See also later remarks referencing the original post.


Soe logo white EQ2i credits posts in this thread written by Ynnek at the SOE/DBG Forums for some of the information in this article.
