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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tranquil Sea  (AA)
Introduced Altar of Malice
Journal Level 101 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Tranquil Sea more
How to Start Speak with Lagni in South Dshinn-699, 7, 290 ) Copy
part of: Shattered Seas Timeline
Preceded by:
A Toast, To the Far Seas!
Followed by:
Handle With Care

What does this information mean?

Deinodon bones

deinodon bones

Crafting table

crafting table nr Hyggin


  1. Gather deinodon bone - go to the Tar Pits of Inevitability (-938, 30, 305) and click on any of the big bones sticking out of the tar pits.
  2. Craft the skinning knife - go back to South Dshinn and click the table next to Hyggin-706, 9, 287 ) Copy
  3. Speak to Kilwren-627, 34, 143 ) Copy to bless the skinning knife
  4. Kill and skin an aged deinodon - find an aged apatodon (one possible location: ( -1274, 12, 343 ) Copy)

