EverQuest 2 Wiki
Herald-Tarew Marr

Herald of the Fathom Lord

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EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Quest
Race Siren
Zone The Mystic Lake (Ballads of Zimara)
Location on the island in the Lake near the back of the zone. ( -275, -0, 51 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI

Related Quests[]


  • Researches the following:
    • Chest of Lost Treasures \aITEM -1754977124 -1088301219 0 0 0:Chest of Lost Treasures\/a
    • Chest of RItual Water \aITEM 241990950 -1214310032 0 0 0:Chest of RItual Water\/a
    • Chest of Crashing Water \aITEM 2037075376 1638550162 0 0 0:Chest of Crashing Water\/a
    • Chest of Turbulent Water \aITEM -418392045 177768921 0 0 0:Chest of Turbulent Water\/a
    • Chest of Deep Water \aITEM -1878464379 1834540119 0 0 0:Chest of Deep Water\/a
  • Named mobs can drop a research time reduction item that is only temporary, make sure you use em when they drop
  • When you choose "I found some items that might help your research." the following items get traded to Minted Celebration Token Reward - [Rank I]

Year of Darkpaw Logo This article refers to events, personae and activities only present in-game during the Year of Darkpaw celebration. Year of Darkpaw in Norrath is in the year 2024.
