For other articles with related titles, see Heartbreaker .
What does this information mean?
Notes [ ]
This quest is repeatable once per year.
Steps [ ]
Speak with Florist Vhy in The Wards . ( 2807, 125, 1157 ) Copy /waypoint 2807, 125, 1157
Travel to Sighing Willow Pond in The Village of Shin on the Isle of Mara . ( -181, 5, -154 ) Copy /waypoint -181.24, 5.48, -154.31
Inspect the Shard of Treachery .
Defeat the minion of treachery that spawns, either a treacherous hag or a treacherous fiend .
Destroy the Shard of Treachery ,
Go to the area beneath Kelethin in Greater Faydark , around ( 167, 5, 493 ) Copy /waypoint 167, 5, 493 , and do the following:
Destroy 8 Shards of Treachery
Slay 6 minions of Treachery
Return to Florist Vhy.
Rewards [ ]
This article refers to events, personae, items and activities only present in-game during the annual Erollisi Day festivities, which come to Norrath each year for a short time roughly around February 14th.