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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event  (AA)
Introduced Chains of Eternity
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Frostfang Sea more
How to Start Speak to Sister Katey Dalwynn in New Halas. ( 30, 148, -53 ) Copy
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  • This quest can be completed once per year.
  • See below for additional notes on farming and further Erollisi Day questing.
  • This quest is supposed to be mutually exclusive with Tainted Love, but players can obtain both if they hail The Lady of Insurrection before accepting:
    1. Hail one of the quest givers and click through their dialog until the quest window pops up, but do not accept it.
    2. Hail the other quest giver.
    3. Accept the first quest.
    4. Finish clicking through the dialog for the second quest giver and they will offer their quest.


  1. Enter Shard of Love: Weeding Corruption from the portal on the docks in Everfrost and complete the following tasks: ( -55, -9, 57 ) Copy
    • Kill 20 tainted Shard of Love inhabitants
    • Destroy 8 Seeds of Distrust in vases. The vases are surrounded by a green cloud, and are easily spotted. Known locations are:
      • 12, -15, 42 ) Copy
      • -13, -15, 41 ) Copy
      • -43, 0, 34 ) Copy
      • 9, 2, -43 ) Copy
      • -123, -5, -106 ) Copy
      • -142, 13, -188 ) Copy
      • -22, 16, -189 ) Copy
      • 12, 21, -186 ) Copy
      • 68, -6, -67 ) Copy
      • 77, -6, -134 ) Copy
      • 213, 15, -178 ) Copy
      • 7, 37, -192 ) Copy
  2. Return to Sister Katey Dalwynn.


Additional Notes[]


Pull all the wisps on the terrace (three groups of four) and kill them at same time for a random essence item drop during Heal the Pain quest.

Collecting Erollisi Day Hard Candy and Love Notes, made easy:

  • You can repeat this questline as often as you want as long as you don't collect the last of the 8 vases required by quest. If you only collect 7 or fewer, you can rezone into Shard of Love: Weeding Corruption after a 30 minute lockout from the time you enter the zone. This zone is your best bet for collecting candies and love notes, they drop more plentifully here after killing mobs than in any other zone.
  • As well, if you mass pull/kill the four groups of four sprites on the terrace (shown in image below), you'll get a chance of a loot drop in the form of an appearance essence for the reforger. You do have to engage and kill all four groups of four wisps at once or it won't work.

Finding more quests:

  • This is the last quest you will get from the main quest hub (New Halas) for the holiday. Make sure you stop in The Commonlands and/or Antonica to compete in the Hearts a'Flutter races, which are a great way to amass plenty of Erollisi coins, to gather various prizes that you don't want to buy using those coins (like roses sold by Steven), and unique house items like the White Rose Topiary.
  • More quests outside of the city of New Halas were added for the 2016 event, so be sure to check the main page for Erollisi Day.

Icon Heart This article refers to events, personae, items and activities only present in-game during the annual Erollisi Day festivities, which come to Norrath each year for a short time roughly around February 14th.
