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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The Ruins of Varsoon  (AA)
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 32 (Tier 4)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Ruins of Varsoon more
How to Start Speak to Dibble Rootweaver in the northern jail area at ( -250, 8, -140 ) Copy
part of: The Ruins of Varsoon Timeline
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Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Find the following items by killing specific creatures in the Ruins of Varsoon:
    • Find Dibble's satchel - Varsoon guards. ( 16, 0, 17 ) Copy
    • Find dull metal fragment samples - Varsoon jailors. ( -234, 0, 60 ) Copy
    • Find a bar of indescribable metal - Varsoon apprentices. ( -45, 3, -11 ) Copy
    • Find the traveling Alchemy kit - Varsoon disciples. ( -56, 3, -8 ) Copy
    • Find a jar of blue fluid - servants of Varsoon. ( 4, 0, 15 ) Copy
    • Find the research manual - Enchanted tome. ( 14, 4, 81 ) Copy or a spirited tome. ( 232, -7, 52 ) Copy.
  2. Bring the items to Tailor Peona Toughins in North Qeynos at ( 357, -23, -198 ) Copy.
    • If you're on Anashti Sul, you'll find her in The Baubbleshire at ( 827, -18, -502 ) Copy.


Detailed steps to complete the quest with evil characters[]

If you are Kill-on-Sight to The Qeynos Guard this quest will be challenging to complete, but it is possible to do so. After completing step 1,

  • Travel to Antonica, click the Mariner's Bell at ( 442, -37, 821 ) Copy and select The Caves.
  • When you zone in you will immediately be attacked by Guard Belaire who is Level 25 ^^^ Heroic and respawns fairly quickly. This should be the only guard you have to fight.
  • After killing Belaire, go north east to the right of the first waterfall and swim around the corner to a second waterfall.
  • Mouse over the base of the waterfall to get the pop-up that lets you travel to The Down Below.
  • Follow the "water" around to the right to the grate to Qeynos Capitol District - North Qeynos.
  • You may wish to remove all armor and jewelry to prevent it from being damaged if you get caught by the Qeynos Guard. If you are anywhere near the appropriate level for this quest it won't help you anyway.
  • In Qeynos, head along the wall to your left until you reach the first building, which is the Qeynos Guard Barracks. Go down in the ditch and right along the barracks to the door. Watch out for the mounted guard that infrequently patrols up to that door from around the far corner of the building.
  • From the door head toward the large tree, and straight on to between the two park benches and on to the back of the Ironforge Exchange at ( 331, -20, -99 ) Copy.
  • You need to watch out for patrols on the main north-south road that goes under the aqueduct, and foot patrols along the wall to your left at the edge of the canal.
  • Move to the aqueduct keeping halfway between the main north-south path and the canal path, and take a last look around for guards.
  • When the coast is clear run north-east across the north-south road to Clothspinners. If you make it inside without being seen you're safe.
  • Peona Toughins at ( 357, -22, -198 ) Copy will refuse your business, but you can hail her using the right mouse button and 'hail' to finish the quest.

You will earn advancement points for visiting this location. If you are brave enough, you could visit other locations in the vicinity for more AA points.
