Name |
Points |
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni |
10 |
Defeat Arch Mage Yozanni within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed |
10 |
Defeat Baltaldor the Cursed within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Derugoak |
10 |
Defeat Derugoak within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Elemental Masterpiece |
10 |
Defeat the Elemental Masterpiece within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Fennin Ro |
10 |
Defeat Fennin Ro within Doomfire: The Broken Throne [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: General Reparm |
10 |
Defeat General Reparm within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna |
10 |
Defeat the Guardian of Faal'Armanna within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Javonn the Overlord |
10 |
Defeat Javonn the Overlord within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief |
10 |
Defeat Jopal the Thief within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Magmaton |
10 |
Defeat Magmaton within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Mudmyre |
10 |
Defeat Mudmyre within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike |
10 |
Defeat Pherlondien Clawpike within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Pyronis |
10 |
Defeat Pyronis within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Rinturion Windblade |
10 |
Defeat Rinturion Windblade within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Sergie the Blade |
10 |
Defeat Sergie the Blade within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth |
10 |
Defeat Tantisala Jaggedtooth within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: The Avatars of Air |
10 |
Defeat the Avatars of Air within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: The Chancellors |
10 |
Defeat the Chancellors within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: The Seventh Hammer |
10 |
Defeat the Seventh Hammer within the Plane of Justice [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Vegerogus |
10 |
Defeat Vegerogus within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken |
10 |
Defeat Warlord Gintolaken within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Mythic Raid: Xegony |
10 |
Defeat Xegony within Eryslai: The Aether Vale [Mythic Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Raid: a Deepwater Kraken |
10 |
Defeat a Deepwater Kraken within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken |
10 |
Defeat a Savage Deepwater Kraken within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni |
10 |
Defeat Arch Mage Yozanni within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed |
10 |
Defeat Baltaldor the Cursed within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Coirnav |
10 |
Defeat Coirnav within Awuidor: Reef of Coirnav [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Derugoak |
10 |
Defeat Derugoak within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Elemental Masterpiece |
10 |
Defeat the Elemental Masterpiece within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Fennin Ro |
10 |
Defeat Fennin Ro within Doomfire: The Broken Throne [Raid] with no deaths!
Flawless Guild Raid: General Reparm |
10 |
Defeat General Reparm within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Gigadon |
10 |
Defeat Gigadon within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna |
10 |
Defeat the Guardian of Faal'Armanna within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Hydrotha |
10 |
Defeat Hydrotha within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Javonn the Overlord |
10 |
Defeat Javonn the Overlord within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Jopal the Thief |
10 |
Defeat Jopal the Thief within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Krziik the Mighty |
10 |
Defeat Krziik the Mighty within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Magmaton |
10 |
Defeat Magmaton within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Mudmyre |
10 |
Defeat Mudmyre within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag |
10 |
Defeat Ofossaa the Seahag within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike |
10 |
Defeat Pherlondien Clawpike within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Pyronis |
10 |
Defeat Pyronis within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Rinturion Windblade |
10 |
Defeat Rinturion Windblade within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Sergie the Blade |
10 |
Defeat Sergie the Blade within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker |
10 |
Defeat Sergis Fathomlurker within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Servant of Krziik |
10 |
Defeat Servant of Krziik within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth |
10 |
Defeat Tantisala Jaggedtooth within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: The Avatars of Air |
10 |
Defeat the Avatars of Air within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: The Chancellors |
10 |
Defeat the Chancellors within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 1) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 2) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 3) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 4) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: The Seventh Hammer |
10 |
Defeat the Seventh Hammer within the Plane of Justice [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Vegerogus |
10 |
Defeat Vegerogus within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Warlord Gintolaken |
10 |
Defeat Warlord Gintolaken within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Flawless Guild Raid: Xegony |
10 |
Defeat Xegony within Eryslai: The Aether Vale [Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni |
10 |
Defeat Arch Mage Yozanni within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed |
10 |
Defeat Baltaldor the Cursed within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Derugoak |
10 |
Defeat Derugoak within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Elemental Masterpiece |
10 |
Defeat the Elemental Masterpiece within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Fennin Ro |
10 |
Defeat Fennin Ro within Doomfire: The Broken Throne [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: General Reparm |
10 |
Defeat General Reparm within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna |
10 |
Defeat the Guardian of Faal'Armanna within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Javonn the Overlord |
10 |
Defeat Javonn the Overlord within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief |
10 |
Defeat Jopal the Thief within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Magmaton |
10 |
Defeat Magmaton within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Mudmyre |
10 |
Defeat Mudmyre within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike |
10 |
Defeat Pherlondien Clawpike within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Pyronis |
10 |
Defeat Pyronis within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Rinturion Windblade |
10 |
Defeat Rinturion Windblade within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Sergie the Blade |
10 |
Defeat Sergie the Blade within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth |
10 |
Defeat Tantisala Jaggedtooth within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: The Avatars of Air |
10 |
Defeat the Avatars of Air within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: The Chancellors |
10 |
Defeat the Chancellors within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: The Seventh Hammer |
10 |
Defeat the Seventh Hammer within the Plane of Justice [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Vegerogus |
10 |
Defeat Vegerogus within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken |
10 |
Defeat Warlord Gintolaken within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid]
Guild Mythic Raid: Xegony |
10 |
Defeat Xegony within Eryslai: The Aether Vale [Mythic Raid]
Guild Raid: A Deepwater Kraken (Contested) |
10 |
Defeat a Deepwater Kraken within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Guild Raid: A Savage Deepwater Kraken (Contested) |
10 |
Defeat a Savage Deepwater Kraken within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Guild Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni |
10 |
Defeat Arch Mage Yozanni within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Guild Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed |
10 |
Defeat Baltaldor the Cursed within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Guild Raid: Coirnav |
10 |
Defeat Coirnav within Awuidor: Reef of Coirnav [Raid]
Guild Raid: Derugoak |
10 |
Defeat Derugoak within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Guild Raid: Elemental Masterpiece |
10 |
Defeat the Elemental Masterpiece within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Guild Raid: Fennin Ro |
10 |
Defeat Fennin Ro within Doomfire: The Broken Throne [Raid]
Guild Raid: Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane |
10 |
Defeat Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane within Castle Mischief [Raid]
Guild Raid: General Reparm |
10 |
Defeat General Reparm within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Guild Raid: Gigadon (Contested) |
10 |
Defeat Gigadon within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Guild Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna |
10 |
Defeat the Guardian of Faal'Armanna within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Guild Raid: Hydrotha (Contested) |
10 |
Defeat Hydrotha within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Guild Raid: Itty Bitty |
10 |
Defeat Itty Bitty within Castle Mischief [Raid]
Guild Raid: Javonn the Overlord |
10 |
Defeat Javonn the Overlord within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Guild Raid: Jopal the Thief |
10 |
Defeat Jopal the Thief within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Guild Raid: Krziik the Mighty (Contested) |
10 |
Defeat Krziik the Mighty within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Guild Raid: Linneas the Stitcher |
10 |
Defeat Linneas the Stitcher within Castle Mischief [Raid]
Guild Raid: Magmaton |
10 |
Defeat Magmaton within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Guild Raid: Maxima Kierran |
10 |
Defeat Maxima Kierran within Castle Mischief [Raid]
Guild Raid: Mudmyre |
10 |
Defeat Mudmyre within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Guild Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag (Contested) |
10 |
Defeat Ofossaa the Seahag within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Guild Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike |
10 |
Defeat Pherlondien Clawpike within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Guild Raid: Pyronis |
10 |
Defeat Pyronis within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Guild Raid: Rinturion Windblade |
10 |
Defeat Rinturion Windblade within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Guild Raid: Rougad the Jokester |
10 |
Defeat Rougad the Jokester within Castle Mischief [Raid]
Guild Raid: Sergie the Blade |
10 |
Defeat Sergie the Blade within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Guild Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker (Contested) |
10 |
Defeat Sergis Fathomlurker within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Guild Raid: Servant of Krziik (Contested) |
10 |
Defeat Servant of Krziik within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid]
Guild Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth |
10 |
Defeat Tantisala Jaggedtooth within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Guild Raid: The Avatars of Air |
10 |
Defeat the Avatars of Air within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid]
Guild Raid: The Chancellors |
10 |
Defeat the Chancellors within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid]
Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 1) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid]
Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 2) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid]
Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 3) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid]
Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 4) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid]
Guild Raid: The Seventh Hammer |
10 |
Defeat the Seventh Hammer within the Plane of Justice [Raid]
Guild Raid: Vegerogus |
10 |
Defeat Vegerogus within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Guild Raid: Warlord Gintolaken |
10 |
Defeat Warlord Gintolaken within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid]
Guild Raid: Xegony |
10 |
Defeat Xegony within Eryslai: The Aether Vale [Raid]
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Derugoak |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Elemental Masterpiece |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Fennin Ro |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: General Reparm |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Javonn the Overlord |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Magmaton |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Mudmyre |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Pyronis |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Rinturion Windblade |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Sergie the Blade |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: The Avatars of Air |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: The Chancellors |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: The Seventh Hammer |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Vegerogus |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Mythic Raid: Xegony |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: a Deepwater Kraken |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Coirnav |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Derugoak |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Elemental Masterpiece |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Fennin Ro |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: General Reparm |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Gigadon |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Hydrotha |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Javonn the Overlord |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Jopal the Thief |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Krziik the Mighty |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Magmaton |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Mudmyre |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Pyronis |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Rinturion Windblade |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Sergie the Blade |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Servant of Krziik |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: The Avatars of Air |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: The Chancellors |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 1) |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 2) |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 3) |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 4) |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: The Seventh Hammer |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Vegerogus |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Warlord Gintolaken |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Perfection Guild Raid: Xegony |
10 |
Complete Kill, Flawless, and Shorthanded achievements for this encounter!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni |
10 |
Defeat Arch Mage Yozanni within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed |
10 |
Defeat Baltaldor the Cursed within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Derugoak |
10 |
Defeat Derugoak within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Elemental Masterpiece |
10 |
Defeat the Elemental Masterpiece within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Fennin Ro |
10 |
Defeat Fennin Ro within Doomfire: The Broken Throne [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: General Reparm |
10 |
Defeat General Reparm within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna |
10 |
Defeat the Guardian of Faal'Armanna within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Javonn the Overlord |
10 |
Defeat Javonn the Overlord within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Jopal the Thief |
10 |
Defeat Jopal the Thief within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Magmaton |
10 |
Defeat Magmaton within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Mudmyre |
10 |
Defeat Mudmyre within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike |
10 |
Defeat Pherlondien Clawpike within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Pyronis |
10 |
Defeat Pyronis within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Rinturion Windblade |
10 |
Defeat Rinturion Windblade within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Sergie the Blade |
10 |
Defeat Sergie the Blade within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth |
10 |
Defeat Tantisala Jaggedtooth within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: The Avatars of Air |
10 |
Defeat the Avatars of Air within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: The Chancellors |
10 |
Defeat the Chancellors within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: The Seventh Hammer |
10 |
Defeat the Seventh Hammer within the Plane of Justice [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Vegerogus |
10 |
Defeat Vegerogus within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Warlord Gintolaken |
10 |
Defeat Warlord Gintolaken within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Mythic Raid: Xegony |
10 |
Defeat Xegony within Eryslai: The Aether Vale [Mythic Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: a Deepwater Kraken |
10 |
Defeat a Deepwater Kraken within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: a Savage Deepwater Kraken |
10 |
Defeat a Savage Deepwater Kraken within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Arch Mage Yozanni |
10 |
Defeat Arch Mage Yozanni within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Baltaldor the Cursed |
10 |
Defeat Baltaldor the Cursed within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Coirnav |
10 |
Defeat Coirnav within Awuidor: Reef of Coirnav [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Derugoak |
10 |
Defeat Derugoak within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Elemental Masterpiece |
10 |
Defeat the Elemental Masterpiece within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Fennin Ro |
10 |
Defeat Fennin Ro within Doomfire: The Broken Throne [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: General Reparm |
10 |
Defeat General Reparm within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Gigadon |
10 |
Defeat Gigadon within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Guardian of Faal'Armanna |
10 |
Defeat the Guardian of Faal'Armanna within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Hydrotha |
10 |
Defeat Hydrotha within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Javonn the Overlord |
10 |
Defeat Javonn the Overlord within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Jopal the Thief |
10 |
Defeat Jopal the Thief within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Krziik the Mighty |
10 |
Defeat Krziik the Mighty within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Magmaton |
10 |
Defeat Magmaton within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Mudmyre |
10 |
Defeat Mudmyre within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Ofossaa the Seahag |
10 |
Defeat Ofossaa the Seahag within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Pherlondien Clawpike |
10 |
Defeat Pherlondien Clawpike within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Pyronis |
10 |
Defeat Pyronis within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Rinturion Windblade |
10 |
Defeat Rinturion Windblade within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Sergie the Blade |
10 |
Defeat Sergie the Blade within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Sergis Fathomlurker |
10 |
Defeat Sergis Fathomlurker within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Servant of Krziik |
10 |
Defeat Servant of Krziik within Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Tantisala Jaggedtooth |
10 |
Defeat Tantisala Jaggedtooth within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: The Avatars of Air |
10 |
Defeat the Avatars of Air within Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: The Chancellors |
10 |
Defeat the Chancellors within Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 1) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 2) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 3) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: The Rathe Council (Difficulty 4) |
10 |
Defeat the Rathe Council within Ragrax, the Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: The Seventh Hammer |
10 |
Defeat the Seventh Hammer within the Plane of Justice [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Vegerogus |
10 |
Defeat Vegerogus within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Warlord Gintolaken |
10 |
Defeat Warlord Gintolaken within Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid] with 20 or less players!
Shorthanded Guild Raid: Xegony |
10 |
Defeat Xegony within Eryslai: The Aether Vale [Raid] with 20 or less players!