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Guardian's Kaborite Chain Gloves

Guardian's Kaborite Chain Gloves

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Guardian's Kaborite Chain Gloves
Item 1519
White Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
60 Primary Attributes 60 Stamina
7.9% Haste
3.4% Crit Chance
1.2% Crit Bonus
5.8%  Potency
3.5% Reuse Speed
Chain Armor (Hands)
Mitigation 375
Level 86 (Tier 9)
All Scouts, Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Inquisitor, Templar, Defiler, Mystic
Obtain: This item can be purchased from Rockshaper Jorgun, a Faction Merchant vendor in The Hole
Requires 50,000 faction with Guardians of the Underfoot

\aITEM 705046696 -1384119332:Guardian's Kaborite Chain Gloves\/a \aITEM 705046696 -1384119332:Guardian's Kaborite Chain Gloves\/a
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