Find a third example of tenacious growth in Grunt's Pass.
a hematic snaptail (can be tracked) for example at ( -256, 27, 423 ) Copy/waypoint -256, 27, 423 ( -79, -111, 99 ) Copy/waypoint -79, -111, 99 ( -311, 33, 391 ) Copy/waypoint -311, 33, 391
Return to Keenora Fadan ( -152, 91, -161 ) Copy/waypoint -152, 91, -161. Find more examples of Growth.
Gather 6 giant's agate from Chalp around ( 136, -135, 63 ) Copy/waypoint 136, -135, 63
Gather 6 forest soil from east Warslik's Wood around ( 154, -231, -288 ) Copy/waypoint 154, -231, -288 (look for dust billowing off mound.). Also (197, -227, -94). See Talk page for more.
Gather 6 river rocks from Warslik's River around ( 303, -244, -134 ) Copy/waypoint 303, -244, -134 in the water. (Untrackable, follow the wisps of steam, rock bubbles underwater. Zoom in to 1st person mode, look for rocks under water near Qlark - NPC)