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Greybloom scimitar
"In the darkest and most dangerous caves can be found the underworld pearls of Tunare." - Duvon Greybloom - The Greybloom Carabiner Club was formed of the greatest spelunkers and harvesters of Kaladim. Their sole purpose was to delve into the darkest uncharted caverns of the Underfoot in search of undiscovered foliage that could be used as components to new spells and balms.
Item 2971
White Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
31 Primary Attributes 31 Stamina
12 Combat Skills
1.1% Crit Chance
0.3% Crit Bonus
1.7%  Potency
1.1% Casting Speed
One-Handed Slashing
Damage 22 - 67     One-Handed Slashing
Delay 1.6 seconds    (55.85 Rating)
Level 62 (Tier 7)
All Scouts, Paladin, Shadowknight, Berserker, Guardian, Fury, Warden, Channeler
Obtain: Reward from the quest "The Kragbak Strongbox" in Kaladim.

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