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Goredeth's Fingerhoop of the Arcane

Goredeth's Fingerhoop of the Arcane

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Goredeth's Fingerhoop of the Arcane
Item 3434
White Adornment Slot Green Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
84 Primary Attributes 84 Stamina
564  Resistances 28 Combat Skills
21.1 DPS
5.5% Crit Chance
4.9% Crit Bonus
8.4%  Potency
4.4% Casting Speed
Slot Finger
Level 90 (Tier 10)
All Mages
Obtain: Reward from the quest "The Prison That Kraytoc Built" in Great Divide.

\aITEM -1704299081 -1650123360:Goredeth's Fingerhoop of the Arcane\/a \aITEM -1704299081 -1650123360:Goredeth's Fingerhoop of the Arcane\/a
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