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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Heritage  (AA)
Introduced Destiny of Velious
Journal Level 90 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Great Divide more
How to Start Talk to Malidain Glacierbane, who is at the end of the river on the Daggerflow Glacier at ( -807, -333, -23 ) Copy.
part of: Coldain Insignia Ring Timeline
Preceded by:
Silver Coldain Insignia Ring
Followed by:
Platinum Coldain Insignia Ring
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Collect 2 high quality cougar pelts and 2 high quality kodiak pelts. These are uncommon chest drops from snowmane sabertooths or ravaging snowmane sabertooths-352, -373, 3005 ) Copy and a sootpaw direbear-434, -374, 3183 ) Copy or frostpaw direbears respectively in Eastern Wastes, found around Dragon's Head Drifts. The high quality pelts needed are in chest drops.
  2. Scribe the Coldain Hunting Blanket recipe (artisan lvl 2 required), get 1 glowing filament and craft the blanket on a sewing table. The blanket recipe is level 15; if you fail, you lose the pelts and must head back to Eastern Wastes and hunt until you get the pelts again.
  3. Lay the blanket on the ice-encased corpse at ( 271, -335, -447 ) Copy (where you found the original copper ring) on the ring war battlefield.
  4. Return to Malidain back at the rivers end.


One of
