Go to Osh at the shore ( 4396, -1096, 1411 ) Copy/waypoint 4396, -1096, 1411
Dismount any mounts, sit (default: x) and speak to Osh
Speak to Nika, pacing the camp ( 4294, -1081, 1468 ) Copy/waypoint 4294, -1081, 1468
Speak to Osh, now back in camp
Osh will follow you. Go from waypoint to waypoint as he makes them available. Hail him, especially when you get into the othmir camp. Do not fly (Dis-mount is safest), or Osh will return to camp and you will have to start over
Speak to Yeppa at Yeppa's Last Stand ( 4265, -1094, 2044 ) Copy/waypoint 4265, -1094, 2044