Speak with Turklig at ( -95, -194, -568 ) Copy/waypoint -95, -194, -568
Go to camp at ( -194, -146, -435 ) Copy/waypoint -194, -146, -435
Search the Area for clues
click on "a goblin skull"
click on the "wrapped bloodstained bones"
click on "a set of strange vials"
Return to Turklig at ( -95, -194, -568 ) Copy/waypoint -95, -194, -568
Travel to ( -5, -203, -427 ) Copy/waypoint -5, -203, -427 and click corpse for update
Kill a Kromdul scavenger that spawns to update the quest
Kill 3 kromdul forest giants
Return to dead bodies ( -5, -203, -427 ) Copy/waypoint -5, -203, -427 and talk to wounded gatherer
Talk to Turklig near the wounded gatherer at ( -0, -205, -430 ) Copy/waypoint -0.38, -204.85, -430.02
Speak with someone in Twark: Talk to Mallic the Venerable across the Twark bridge at ( 170, -204, -522 ) Copy/waypoint 170, -204, -522 to complete quest