Gnip Gnopp, a fine constructor of gnomish toys and gizmos in Gnomeland Security, would be glad to provide Gardy with wonderful new mechanized gifts, but he is unable to meet the demand. His shop is closed up and is in a state of disarray, If I help him clean the place up and get things in working order then he would be able to help.
Enter Gnip Gnopp's Gizmo Shop and help get it back into working order. The Gizmo Shop is accessed by clicking the grounded gear near Gnip Gnopp ( -550, 171, 1051 ) Copy/waypoint -550, 171, 1051
At the bottom of the ramp, destroy the boards on the west wall to access the main work area.
Complete the following tasks:
Remove 5 piles of rusty rubble
These are pretty large piles, easily seen
Harvest 8 useful gizmo parts
These are small gears and such, scattered all over the floor and tables. They will respawn.
Defeat 9 haywire clockworks wreaking havoc within Gnopp's workshop