EverQuest 2 Wiki
Gigglegibber Hunt Master

Gigglegibber Hunt Master

other resources
EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Quest
Race Goblin
Zone Enchanted Lands (Shattered Lands)
Location Enchanted Lands Docks, next to the Bristebane Alter ( -3, 4, 38 ) Copy

Related Quests[]


  • After you have completed the quest Ratical, The Gigglegibber Hunt Master will become a merchant. Right-click on him and select "buy from merchant." He sells the quest starter to Gigglegibber Scavenger Hunt as well as a lore item, a cabbage.

Jester This article refers to events, personae and activities only present in-game during the annual Bristlebane Day celebration, which comes to Norrath each year on and around April 1st.
