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Gi of the Silent Fist Initiate

Gi of the Silent Fist Initiate

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Gi of the Silent Fist Initiate
Item 2400
White Adornment Slot 
8 Primary Attributes 8 Stamina
Combat Skills
Leather Armor (Chest)
Mitigation 73
Level 20 (Tier 3)
Obtain: Reward from the quest "Selwyn's Errands - Part VI" in South Qeynos.

\aITEM 1799018830 2051686413:Gi of the Silent Fist Initiate\/a \aITEM 1799018830 2051686413:Gi of the Silent Fist Initiate\/a
What does this information mean?

Armor Set: Silent Fist Initiate

All pieces in this set have the same appearance and coloring.

There are no bonuses derived from wearing multiple members of this set.

Look When Worn[]

Male Female
If you can, please take a screenshot of a male character (yourself or someone else) wearing this item, crop it, and upload it either as jpg or as png If you can, please take a screenshot of a female character (yourself or someone else) wearing this item, crop it, and upload it either as jpg or as png

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