EverQuest 2 Wiki
Race mummy

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LootDB · EQ2LL · ZAM
EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) The Palace of Sabaron (LU61)
Race Mummy
Level Scales▲▲▲ with player level Heroic
Location Middle of the Celestial Statues-172, -6, -22 ) Copy
Reported Drops
AA Exp Yes
Status Points none

What does this information mean?


Activates special attacks/defenses as the fight goes on. Destroy the glowing statue to remove the ability

  • "Get away!" - gains the ability to knockback almost continuously
  • "This power will make all of your attacks fail!" - stoneskin?
  • "This will block all of your pathetic magic from landing!" - arcane shield?
  • "This will negate all of your weak combat strikes!" - damage shield?

EDIT: NOT WORTH IT. HITS LIKE A X4. No statues ever glowed or were attackable for us. Also, he never seemed to "activate" any ability, was almost invulnerable from the very beginning.

EDIT - Came in here today, 22nd April, and he worked fine. When he gets an effect on him from a statue you can just burn down the statue to remove the effect then switch back to the named. Rinse & repeat til he dies. (Xodiak on Splitpaw)

  • "Get away!" - reactive knockback
  • "This power will make all of your attacks fail!" - ?Stoneskin (credit above)
  • "This will block all of your pathetic magic from landing!" - 100% immunity to arcane, elemental and noxious damage.
  • "This will negate all of your weak combat strikes!" - 100% immunity to melee and ranged damage.