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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Kaladim
Introduced Echoes of Faydwer
Journal Level 32 (Tier 4)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Kaladim more
How to Start Examine the Gem Analyzer Brell's March73, 23, -159 ) Copy or ( -97, 45, -188 ) Copy
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Dunfire Diamonds are a Dwarf's Best Friend
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In order to destroy the gnome gem analyzer, I need to disassemble it. I will need special tools for that.


  1. Locate the following wrenches from within the two towers of the Bloodforge Gate. They only spawn on top of crates, barrels, bookcases, tables, etc.:
    • The first sized wrench, bolt sized gem analyzer wrench, (labeled 1 bt).
    • The second sized wrench, microbolt sized wrench, (labeled 1 mbt).
    • The third sized wrench, bitbolt sized wrench, (labeled 1 bbt).
    • The fourth sized wrench, speckbolt sized wrench, (labeled 1 sbt).

Wrench Locations[]

The wrenches will spawn randomly at the following locations:

  • In the east tower, bottom floor, on top of a crate
  • In the east tower, middle floor, on top of a crate ( -29, 45, -138 ) Copy
  • In the east tower, middle floor, on top of a bookcase ( -23, 44, -126 ) Copy
  • In the east tower, top floor ( -34, 52, -137 ) Copy
  • In the west tower, ground floor, on top of a crate ( 21, 29, -137 ) Copy
  • In the west tower, middle floor, on top of a barrel ( 18, 45, -124 ) Copy
  • On top of the gate. Climb either tower and jump down onto the gate ( -5, 49, -132 ) Copy