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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Obol Plains  (AA)
Introduced Chains of Eternity
Journal Level 94 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Obol Plains more
How to Start Examine an animated Gehein hand, dropped from the corpse of a Gehein soulblighter
part of: Obol Plains Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Hopefully someone within the erudite encampment can tell me more about this moving Gehein hand.
    • Enquire about the Gehein hand
  2. He sends you to gather more Gehein parts (they drop very fast!)
    1. find another animated Gehein hand

The Gehein are a quest-spawn around the spires, also look near the 3 gates leading into Obol Plains. For example: near ( -541, -3, -406 ) Copy

3. One must enter into the portal effect in order to get the Gehein to spawn at each of the three portals.

    1. find a couple of Gehein arms
    2. find a couple of Gehein legs
    3. find animated Gehein feet
    4. find an animated Gehein head
      1. a. Dialog from a Gehein head: "Put me down!" [Gah! a talking head!] "Of course! I am Gehein. Now put me down! Or else!" [Or else what?] "Or else!... Bah! I hate Wayward..." [I am putting you away.]
    5. Return to Alzar ( -88, 44, -210 )
    6. He has the reformed Gehein laying on the table. Examine it for the update.
A reformed Gehein

the reformed Gehein

  1. Kill 9 obol shamblers
    1. Return to Alzar, who has now reformed the Gehein

