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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Steamfont Mountains more
How to Start Speak to Navier Stokes-527, 173, 1026 ) Copy at Gnomeland Security Headquarters in Steamfont Mountains
part of: Tinkerfest Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?

Prerequisites: If you are not already a tinkerer, Navier will have you talk to Viex Cogsworth standing behind him to get the basics. The combies are level 50 tinkering.


  1. Go to Moors of Ykesha via the spire and pick up the box ( 1751, 448, 724 ) Copy beside the spire.
  2. Unpack the box in your inventory and scribe the recipe.
  3. Go into the portal next to the spire to the Innovation: Tinkerer's Trial.
  4. Harvest the supplies which are scattered around the entire zone. The energy sources are hard to see and do not spawn unless you're on top of them. Go through all the doors to the other junkyard rooms, as well. You can also leave the zone and come back in to respawn. Refer to the Discussion page for suggestions/hints on the location of supplies.
    • Energy Source

      Energy Source

      18ea. Clockwork Energy Sources
    • Power Regulator

      Power Regulator

      6ea. Power Regulators
    • Rotational Gear

      Rotational Gear

      12ea. Rotational Gears
    • High-Tension Springs

      High-Tension Springs

      12ea. High-Tension Springs
    • Note: these are NOT trackable. All components can be found in one instance. (do not forget conveyor belt room)
  5. Tinkered Workstation

    Tinkered Workstation

    Scribe the Tinkerer's Competition Blueprints and craft 24 Electromagnetic Sparklets using the Tinkered Workstation near the door or further in the zone.
    • Note: Mass Production purposefully will NOT work. Put on your Tradeskill Gear to assist in these 12 combines.
    • QUEST IS BROKE [jun2022]. for if one misses/losses components, one MUST delete quest and re-take. However, the zone, nor harvestables are NOT respawned; Also, zone is NOT RESET-ABLE under Dungeon Finder/Persistent Instances tab. So you have ONE opportunity to get right. (18/06/2024 this is fairly inaccurate and exagerated as there are components of all types in excess in the zone, and as long as you dont insist on messing it up on purpose, the quest works perfectly fine).
  6. Place the sparklets in five locations. A wisp appears to lead you. These are in a specific order, so follow the wisp.
  7. Craft five Clockwork Energizers at the Tinkered Workstation.
  8. Install the energizers. A wisp appears to lead you. These are in a specific order, so follow the wisp.
  9. Return to Navier Stokes.


Icon gears red (Common) This article refers to events, personae and activities only accessable in-game during the annual Tinkerfest festivities that occur roughly from the end of July to early August.
