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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event
Introduced LU61
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Gathering of the Harbingers more
How to Start Speak to Gardunk
part of: Beastlord Prelude Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?

This is a subquest for The Word of the Harbingers - Qeynos and The Word of the Harbingers - Freeport and can only be attempted while you are on that quest.

Steps for Qeynos Side[]

  1. Collect three pieces of the Codex of Khati Sha in Antonica. They look like chunks of Luclin - large green-black shiny rocks. They can be found near the following location:
    • -221, -9, -45 ) Copy
    • -558, -3, 21 ) Copy
    • -628, 9, 35 ) Copy
  2. Return to Gardunk

Steps for Freeport Side[]

  1. Collect three pieces of the Codex of Khati Sha in Commonlands. They look like chunks of Luclin - large green-black shiny rocks. There are several pieces along Horse Fly Trail between the Freeport flying mount station and the Crossroads. They can also be found near the following location:
    • -350, -48, -19 ) Copy
  1. Return to Gardunk

