EverQuest 2 Wiki
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This article is being retained for historical reasons
Got removed with LU53

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WARNING:This template depreciated, please use Template:SpellInformation2 when updating
Class All Spell Icon
Level 10
Category (Target) Buff (Self)
 Casting Time  Instant
 Recast time  5 min
 Cost  44 power 
 Duration  30 seconds
The dark elf becomes infused with hatred. This hatred for their enemy allows them to attack faster, cast faster, and improves their chance for melee and spell criticals

@lvl 70:

  • Increases Melee Crit Chance by 5%
  • Increases Damage Spell Crit Chance by 5%
  • Increases Casting Speed by 10%
  • Increases Attack Speed by 35
  • Decreases Parry by 28
  • Decreases Defense by 32
This spell is not upgradeable.

What does this information mean?
You may upload a JPG or PNG image of the in-game examine window.

Note: Power Cost, as well as Penalty to Parry and Defense scales with your level.
