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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event
Introduced LU30
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Frostfell Wonderland Village more
How to Start Speak with Sogs Frostfoot198, -37, -1316 ) Copy
part of: Frostfell Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  • This is an unlimited repeatable quest (after a cool-down period of 18 hours).
  • All necessary resources are available next to the crafting stations.
  • At the start of each of the subquests, you receive Frostfell Lair Decoration, which teaches you the recipes needed for all the subquests.
  • This is a very easy way to earn Tradeskill XP and Tradeskill Alternate Advancement XP. Once you are at Tradeskill level 70, the XP is decent, but not quite as good as doing tradeskill rush orders closer to your level. If you do not turn all the sub-quests into the goblins inside, you can keep crafting presents for extra XP.
  • You may leave the instance and return without breaking subquests that are in progress. However, if you leave after you've turned in a quest, the quest resets and you must do it again.
  • Watch the ice behind the crafting stations! It's slippery, and if you fall to the lower levels there is no escape so you will have to teleport!
  • If the recipes are red to you, the crafting stations can kill you if you miss any reaction arts, so pay attention!
  • The fuel merchant inside the instance sells three key recipes that can be scribed by anyone with 90+ tradeskill. The keys unlock chests that hold Frostfell Crafting Stations that can be used all year long when placed in housing or in guild halls.
  • If the quest bugs on you, check your inventory and delete the crafted item. The items you craft should be invisible.
  • The items you craft can be done via Blueprint. This will speed up the crafting process immensely!


  1. Enter Permafrost Crypt: Decorating Retribution in Frostfell Wonderland Village. ( 103, -4, -1144 ) Copy
  2. Speak to the goblins and complete their tasks:
  3. Upon turning in the final subquest, the corresponding goblin will walk towards their programmed location and place the items that you crafted. At this point The Angered Vision of Vox will appear and chase all the goblins out and the quest will complete.
    • Make sure you don't leave right away after turning in the final subquest, or the quest won't update and you'll have to start over!
  4. Return to Sogs Frostfoot.


White and Blue Snowflake This article refers to events, personae and activities only present in-game during the annual Frostfell celebration. Frostfell comes to Norrath each year from (roughly) the second week of December to the first week of January.
