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Frostfang Sea Expeditionary Force
Category: Exploration

Subcategory: Shattered Lands

Find the points of interest in the Frostfang Sea.

Evigis' Chamber
Gwenevyn's Cove
Icemane Plains
New Halas
Ravens' Roost
The Great Shelf
Velium Arch
Cragged Spine
Erollis Dock

Forbidden Ossuary of Ice
Herga's Choke
Jagged Daggers
Pilgrim's Landing
Ry'Gorr Isle
Velinoid Catacombs
Cairn of the Huntress
Demon's Delve

\aACH 1120754080:Frostfang Sea Expeditionary Force\/a \aACH 1120754080:Frostfang Sea Expeditionary Force\/a

Daybreak Games
