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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Greater Faydark
Introduced LU58
Journal Level 3 (Tier 1)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Greater Faydark more
How to Start Speak to Sentry Talvee-117, -44, -693 ) Copy
part of: Greater Faydark Timeline
Preceded by:
Bee Swatter
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


"Sentry Talvee asked me to recover as many of the stolen blooms as I can. I should be wary of the guard Tuwasp bixies near the basket of stolen spirit blooms." -- Everquest II Journal


Basket of fae blooms

Basket of fae blooms

  1. Recover basket of fae blooms ( -151, -42, -534 ) Copy
  2. Return to Sentry Talvee


  • 2s 47c

Video walkthrough[]

Journal Steps and Dialogue[]

  • Sentry Talvee: "Ha ha! Take that, you thieving saps! That will help protect the spirit blooms still in the Nursery, but we need to recover the ones that have been stolen."
  • Player Character: "I agree! what should we do next?"
  • Sentry Talvee: "It's a safe bet they're planning to offer the spirit blooms as food to their queen. Therefore, the blooms can probably be found near the Tuwasp hive. We need to get them back, and quickly, before they are consumed!"
  • Player Character: "I'll search near the hive for the stolen blooms."

Recover the fae spirit blooms.

Return to Sentry Talvee.

  • Sentry Talvee: "I hope you found the spirit blooms! I don't want them showing up in the dining hall for their queen!"
  • Player Character: "They won't. I have them right here!"
  • Sentry Talvee: "And not a moment too soon, [Player Character]. We need to replant these quickly, or they could perish. I'll send for someone to pick them up."

I have returned the fae spirit blooms to Sentry Talvee.

I was able to recover the stolen spirit blooms, taking them back from the Tuwasp bixies.
