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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category World Event
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone see Starting the Quest below
How to Start Start the Wake the Dead Event at a graveyard in a city. Pick up a shovel near gravestones and click on the graves. Kill ghosts until they drop a chest with Mystic's Crystal Orb. Inspect it to receive the quest.
part of: Nights of the Dead Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Search for a second mystical item by battling more of the woken dead. A small chest will drop containing Enhanced Spirit Trumpet. Upon looting your quest will auto-update.
  2. Search for another mystical item by battling more of the woken dead. A small chest will drop containing Deck of Fate's Veil Cards. Quest will once again auto-update upon looting.
  3. Search for yet another mystical item by battling more of the woken dead. A small chest will drop containing Mystic's Spirit Board. Looting it auto-updates your quest.
  4. You will then be sent to speak with one of several people, Madame Leona inside the north building on the end of docks in The Thundering Steppes ( -451, -18, -439 ) Copy, Weejei Carriere inside the door on the wall at the Great Guard in Enchanted Lands ( 289, 5, -208 ) Copy, or Horace Torbin in the building with the waterwheel at Windstalker Village in Antonica ( -1908, -36, -622 ) Copy. Check your journal to see which og the npcs you need to speak to for turn in.


Jack O'Lantern This article refers to events, personae and activities only present in-game during the annual Nights of the Dead festivities, which come to Norrath each year from (roughly) mid- to late-October through to early- to mid-November.
