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EverQuest 2 Wiki
The Item, Location, Quest, Mob or NPC referred to by this page has been removed from EverQuest II.
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Freeport Villages Timeline
Recommended Levels 3 to 6
Introduced: Shattered Lands
Difficulty: Solo
Starts in: Freeport
Preceded by: Outpost of the Overlord
Followed by: Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline

These were the quests throughout the villages of Freeport, including the race-specific quest series. Each character could only do one of the racial series, although if the race change potion from the Marketplace was used, the player can then do the quests for the new race. Minimal killing was required, so these could be done at a very low level.

You may also be interested in the Racial History Timeline.

When the racial quests were introduced, many of the quests from the villages were removed. They remain listed in the journals of players who completed them. The villages were removed entirely with LU62, replaced by new racial quests in The City of Freeport, and the zones became instances accessible only during certain quests.

Quest level is displayed in parentheses.

Beggar's Court[]

Half-Elf series[]

Thavian Destrus

  1. A Delivery (3)
  2. Dirty Work (3)
  3. Reel Him In (4)
  4. Thaen Sevellos (5)
  5. One Last Request (5)

Continue with the quests from the Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline beginning with the quest A Flowing Conversation.

Human series[]

Alucius Valus

  1. Finding the Stash (3)
  2. Saving History (3)
  3. Big Trouble in Beggar's Court (4)
  4. Tricking the Traitor (5)
  5. Meet the Inquisitor (5) - from Durio Dexus in Sunken City

Continue with the quests from the Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline beginning with the quest A Flowing Conversation.

Other quests[]

Festus Septimius

  1. 99 Bottles Of Beer In My Hand (20)

Antius Vedrix

  1. Antius' Package (20)

Lucius Vulso

  1. Casing The Joint (20)

Marcus Cantarius

  1. Deliver Help to Janus Fieri (15)

Removed quests[]

Tullia Domna

  1. An Errand for the Queen (14)

Armsdealer Silentblade

  1. Free Wares for Silentblade (15)
  2. Get Rich Quick! (15)

Lucius Vulso

  1. Into The Sewers For Lucius (15)

Marcus Cantarius

  1. Marcus Cantarius's Monumental Hatred (13)

Mariana Darkleaf

  1. Running for a Candidate (15)

Siricus Calventius

  1. Siricus and the Militia (15)

Tsuul Nygtfallow

  1. The Nyghtfallow Heirloom (15)

Mariana Darkleaf

  1. To Spite a Darkleaf (20)

Big Bend[]

Ogre series[]

Kroota Gukbutcher

  1. Ay, There's the Rubb'ish (3)
  2. Rat Barsh! (3)
  3. Much Ado' About Rallos (4)
  4. The Fume and Fire Ceremony (4)
  5. More Barshing! (5) (Continues with Enforcer Kurdek in the The Sprawl)

Troll series[]

Braz Gutpounder

  1. A Subtle Reminder (3)
  2. Trollish Delights (4)
  3. Troll Patrol (4)
  4. Gnomore Gnomesteaks (5)
  5. Troll Adventures (5) (Continues with Enforcer Kurdek in the The Sprawl)

Graktak Splatterblood offers quests to Trolls

  1. Search for the Shrubbery (3)
  2. Swamp Water Stew (4)
  3. That Slippery Toad (5)
  4. Secret of the Troll (5)

Other quests[]

Slaver Brona

  1. Brona's Guard Check (10)
  2. Brona's Thralls (8)

Vakiza Skinner

  1. The Captive's Information (17)

Removed quests[]

A Dwarven Prisoner

  1. Dwarven Payback (7)


  1. Funny Rat Smashing (7)

Galenus Fulvianus

  1. Hops for Galenus (6)
  2. Paying the Tab (6)


  1. Muzmog's Rat Smashing Fun (6)

Kroota Gukbutcher

  1. Precious Mettle (6)


  1. Skagga's Signs (6)
  2. Skin for Skagga (8)

Captain Sorio

  1. Sorio's Dog Hunt (10)
  2. Sorio's Giantslayer Problem (6)


  1. Trolls and Arms (8)

Ratcatcher Zarbt

  1. Vermin Reduction (5)

Longshadow Alley[]

Dark Elf series[]

'Aldera V'Exxa

  1. A Clear Understanding (3)
  2. A Lesson to Learn (4)
  3. Brewing Trouble (4)
  4. A Lesson Learned (5)
  5. Meet the Custodian (5) = sends you to The Graveyard

Continue with the quests from the Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline beginning with the quest The Door Knocker.

Other quests[]

Zelina T'Von

  1. A Special Perfume (8)
  2. For That Special Someone (8)

Divek L'Narr

  1. Dead Man's Eyes (8)

Maliz T'Raan

  1. Taking It Out On The Marauders (9)

Lotni K'lria

  1. The Missing Book (7)

Kylanith D'Lar

  1. The Stolen Artifacts of Thex (10)

Removed quests[]

Maliz T'Raan

  1. A Dramatic Perfomance (10)

Imnat D'Vren

  1. A Shady Clearing (8)

Orian D'Rak

  1. Information Gathering from a Fishmonger (7)

Lotni K'lria

  1. Magical Retribution (10)

Yarana D'Ven

  1. No Rivals for Yarana (20)

Orian D'Rak

  1. Ogre Watch (7)

Captain L'Nek

  1. The Truth Is Out There (6)
  2. Silenced Speech (9)

Scale Yard[]

All the racial quests except A Puppy for Your Potions and Paying Homage to the Past are in the Miscellaneous category instead of Scale Yard.

Barbarian series[]

Clan Chief Malachi Sleetspear

  1. Wasp What I Can Do! (3)
  2. Sound Off! (4)
  3. Battle on the Home Front (5)
  4. What Happens in the Scale Yard Stays... (6)
  5. Go Visit The Sprawl (6)

Continue with the quests from the Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline beginning with the quest Training Will Get You Everywhere.

Iksar series[]

Brood Matron Vrim Malthyk

  1. A Puppy For Your Potions? (3)
  2. He Said, He Said (4)
  3. Paying Homage to the Past (5)
  4. Kill or be Killed (6)
  5. Report To Enforcer Kurdek (6)

Other quests[]

Bartender Icebrew

  1. Icebrew's Secret Recipe (8)
  2. Blind Taste Test (8)

Zever Tzizzink

  1. Poisonous Zever (8)

Verin Ithelz

  1. Preventative Maintenance (9)

Removed quests[]

Dunn Coldbrow

  1. Avoiding the Sea Beasties (7)
  2. Ending the Fury (10)

Evelyn Stoutfist

  1. Door to Door Anger (10)

Colin Stoutfist

  1. Will Work for War (7)
  2. Slaying the Giants (8)

Armsdealer Shilza

  1. Sword-Chucks of Doom (7)

Dyerth Shiraz

  1. Tasty Tears of the Thralls (10)

Verin Ithelz

  1. Verin's New Thralls (20)

Stonestair Byway[]

Erudite series[]

Vess Al'Ishni

  1. Erudite Alchemy ((3)
  2. Tweezing Kerra (4)
  3. Incantation Oration (4)
  4. Abolishing Curiousity (5)
  5. Erudite Adventures (5)

Continue with the quests from the Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline beginning with the quest The Door Knocker.

Kerra series[]


  1. Of Stone and Wind
  2. Lamentations
  3. A Painful Reminder
  4. Conspiracies
  5. Towards the Future

Continue with the quests from the Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline beginning with the quest The Door Knocker.

Other quests[]


  1. Are You There, Tom? It's Me, Pona. (7)

Innkeeper Zaha

  1. Eviction! (8)


  1. Jezrina's Prophecy (5)


  1. Kazar and the Vial (8)

Nosno The Naysayer

  1. Nosno's Prophecy (6)


  1. Rori's Proposal (8)

Removed quests[]


  1. Easy Acceptance (10)
  2. The Contest (10)


  1. Juma and Habika's Story (19)


  1. Kazar's Focus (6)


  1. Rori's Back (10)

Temple Street[]

Gnome series[]

Neezer Grund - Temple Street

  1. More Power (3)
  2. More Quality (4)
  3. More Money (4)
  4. More Danger (5)
  5. More Work (5)

Continue with the quests from the Freeport Outlying Areas Timeline beginning with the quest A Flowing Conversation.

Ratonga series[]

NOTE: If you have previously done Neezer Grund's quest More Work, he will not give you the quests in this series and will not give quest updates. Fedul

  1. Investigation (3)
  2. A Favor for a Favor (4)
  3. Digging Deeper (Temple Street) (4)
  4. Snatching the Prize (5)
  5. Unlocking the Mystery (5)
  6. Another Contact (5)

Other quests[]


  1. Makeup for Krysa (6)
  2. An Enchanting Evening With Krysa (8)

Frizi Figglesnip

  1. Frizi's Stolen Books (9)

Sempronia Gallus

  1. Keys For Sempronia (6)


  1. Krasa Isn't Taking It Anymore! (6)

Removed quests[]

Sparzit Cogsnibble

  1. Improving The Design (10)

Old Man Muckwort

  1. Muckwort's Quest (6)


  1. Netherot Name Calling (10)

Zninki Flatzazzle

  1. Not Since The Invention Of The Wheel... (10)

Qwergo Togglesmeet

  1. Qwergo's Plan (6)

Sparzit Cogsnibble

  1. Teeth For Sparzit (5)

Twergo Togglesmeet

  1. Twergo's Plan (8)


  1. Vleko's Plan (12)


  1. Vlepo's Plan (6)