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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The City of Freeport  (AA)
Introduced Age of Discovery
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The City of Freeport more
How to Start Speak to Nethal L'tylex inside Temple of War-80, -8, -162 ) Copy
part of: The City of Freeport Timeline
Preceded by:
Dismal Portents
Followed by:
How the Mighty Fall

What does this information mean?


  1. Speak with one of the followers of Skalmos in Freeport. For this, you first need to use the Troll illusion that was given to you.
  2. Once applied, go to ( -53, -24, -21 ) Copy and speak with Velt.
  3. Velt asks you to collect 6 Words of Zxrath from around Freeport. These are shinies (edit: They are technically NOT shinies, as shinies are a specific type of harvestable. The harvestables in question are animated/flapping pages with white sparkles. // Catya, Halls of Fate, 20th of June 2017) throughout Freeport. These can not tracked with Track Harvestables skill. The spawn locations seem to vary from time to time, so if you do not find a page at a location cited below, try exploring in the vicinity. Known locations:
    • 26, -18, 78 ) Copy
    • 36, -18, 107 ) Copy
    • 39, -20, 53 ) Copy
    • 65, -20, -4 ) Copy
    • 143, -26, 126 ) Copy
    • 167, -4, 36 ) Copy
    • 273, -4, -109 ) Copy
    • 278, -4, -71 ) Copy
    • -64, -7, 190 ) Copy
    • -68, -38, 31 ) Copy
    • -107, -38, 40 ) Copy
    • -232, -56, -6 ) Copy
    • -155, -24, -97 ) Copy
    • -141, -41, -162 ) Copy
    • -143, -51, -371 ) Copy
    • -236, -55, 200 ) Copy

Last one I found was in the Freeport Militia House.

  1. Return to Velt.
  2. He will tell you to head back to Big Bend. Go there and speak with Velt at ( -27, -5, 74 ) Copy Have your troll illusion still on.
  3. Take the offering to Skalmos in Big Bend ( -26.89, -4.66, 89.39 ) Copy and click on the table. This will spawn Skalmos.
  4. He will talk a little, then you will be attacked by a couple non heroics.
  5. Return to Nethal L'tylex in Freeport.


