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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Sundered Splitpaw
Introduced Splitpaw Saga
Journal Level Scales with player level upto level 60
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Sundered Splitpaw: Splitpaw Den more
How to Start Talk to Flitch Earmite at ( -77, -69, -193 ) Copy.
part of: Splitpaw Saga Timeline
Preceded by:
A Darkened Shard
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  • This is an unlimited repeatable quest.
  • You can bring a friend in with you aswell (maybe a whole group?)
  • There are groups of mobs in here you may or maynot have to kill depending on if you have invis.
  • This quest is one of several that you can do to earn the trust of the Splitpaw Gnolls and advance A Darkened Shard.


  1. In the Thundering Steppes, head to the Giant's Forge. Then go to ( 192, 1, 1080 ) Copy and Zone into the the Sundered Splitpaw.
  2. Make your way to the Sundered Splitpaw: Splitpaw Den.
  3. Zone into Sundered Splitpaw: Hideout: ( -84, -76, -163 ) Copy This spits you out at ( 68, -7, -214 ) Copy.
  4. Proceed down the tunnel ( 69, -12, -240 ) Copy clearing trash, to the next room.
  5. Proceed down the next tunnel ( 0, -38, -234 ) Copy clearing trash. This room contains supply crates.
  6. Destroy 10 Gnoll Supply Crates.
    • Use the explosive barrels to destroy the crates.
    • Some crates are hidden behind explodable walls. Use the barrels to break them down.
    • Some crates are unreachable unless you use the small crates to build a staircase. They crates will crack if moved too many times.
  7. The quest completes immediately upon the destruction of the tenth supply crate.
  8. Exit back to the splitpaw den ( 68, -7, -214 ) Copy.

Supply Crate Locations[]

These are a few of the many supply crate locations:

  1. 56, -32, -216 ) Copy
  2. 27, -32, -166 ) Copy
  3. 60, -32, -180 ) Copy (on ledge)
  4. -2, -44, -107 ) Copy
  5. -35, -44, -94 ) Copy
  6. -13, -39, -139 ) Copy (on ledge)
  7. -45, -43, -137 ) Copy
  8. -45, -43, -150 ) Copy
  9. 32, -34, -232 ) Copy (behind wall)
  10. 31, -40, -121 ) Copy (behind wall)


Related Quests[]
