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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category The City of Freeport  (AA)
Introduced Age of Discovery
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The City of Freeport more
How to Start Speak to The Forgotten outside Champion's Coliseum in West Freeport ( 192, -3, -36 ) Copy

or in the back room after finishing The Reward for Loyalty

part of: The City of Freeport Timeline
Preceded by:
The Reward for Loyalty
Followed by:
Arcane Science Versus Dark Faith

What does this information mean?


  1. Use a city bell to enter The Graveyard
  2. Speak to Adrianna-48, -9, 95 ) Copy
  3. Kill 10 ravenous zombies in the east area
  4. Kill 10 ravenous skeletons in the north area
    • All are NPCs that aggro when you near them; even cons
  5. Speak to Lerenth, pathing north to south in the east (zombie) area
  6. Speak to Adrianna.
  7. Speak to The Forgotten in West Freeport.

