Troll Guard in Firmroot Moot ( 146, -86, -415 ) Copy/waypoint 146, -86, -415 and other places such as Grobb
Froglok Guard in Firmroot Moot ( 148, -86, -421 ) Copy/waypoint 148, -86, -421 and other places such as Tupta
Pirdy <Balloon Safety Conductor> in Firmroot Moot ( 165, -80, -391 ) Copy/waypoint 165, -80, -391 (Do not follow the game blue dot on map as it is incorrect. Follow this ^^ waypoint/to Firmroot Balloon Conductor only.)
Sissili <Balloon Safety Conductor> near the Boarfiend Caves ( 667, 350, 245 ) Copy/waypoint 667, 350, 245