Find a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich, an apple, a peanutbutter cookie, and a blueberry pie, located at Omen's Call. Inside the building, the foods are on tables and behind the counter.
( 223, -60, -285 ) Copy/waypoint 223, -60, -285
( 197, -59, -284 ) Copy/waypoint 197, -59, -284
( 205, -59, -266 ) Copy/waypoint 205, -59, -266
( 218, -59, -282 ) Copy/waypoint 218, -59, -282
Note: Re-Spawn on these items is 5 min.
Take these food items back to Jerome at ( -620, -23, 1724 ) Copy/waypoint -620, -23, 1724 by going up the path at ( -967, -82, 1632 ) Copy/waypoint -967, -82, 1632.