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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Sundered Splitpaw
Introduced Splitpaw Saga
Journal Level Scales with player level upto level 60
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Sundered Splitpaw: Splitpaw Den more
How to Start Click on a malfunctioning terraporter at ( -7, -62, -321 ) Copy and enter Sundered Splitpaw: Alone in the Dark. Immediately upon entry you will receive the quest prompt.
part of: Splitpaw Saga Timeline
Preceded by:
A Darkened Shard
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?



  1. Fight your way to an explosive barrel near the beginning of your preordained route ( -127, -49, -237 ) Copy and use it to blow up a destructible wall, also along your given route.
  2. When the wall is destroyed you will have access the central cavern; walk up to around ( -34, -41, -128 ) Copy to receive an update. If solo, you can engage Animator Mezmolar and complete the quest. If in a group, wait or go help your fellow group-mates along their paths - and then engage Animator Mezmolar together.


Related Quests[]


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