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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Kunark Ascending
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Obulus Frontier more
How to Start Speak with Skethusk479, 245, 1505 ) Copy in Crusader's Cave
part of: Kunark Ascending Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Gone Astray
Followed by:
Search and Rescue

What does this information mean?


  1. Look for the missing figurine.
    1. Skethusk mentioned an old collapsed goblin tunnel, which is found near Grunt's Pass at ( -318, 48, 604 ) Copy. Zone into the Abandoned Mine Tunnel you may have to stand on top of the boulder in the middle for it to become clickable.
      Collapsed Tunnel Entrance

      Collapsed Tunnel Entrance

    2. Check the first room first and, if not there, follow the rails and search the "loose rubble" until you find the figurine.
      Loose rubble

      loose rubble

      • Note: the location is definitely random.
      • Note: If you have trouble finding back to the exit ( 101, 48, -2144 ) Copy, Artisan's Escape works in the zone.
  2. Return to Skethusk in Obulus Frontier ( 479, 245, 1505 ) Copy.



You will also find 3 red shinies in this zone, which are needed for the collection quest Gardener's Tools. These are: Goblin Supply Pack, Gardener's Hand Rake, and Gardener's Fertilizer Sack. All are trackable and respawn relatively quickly.
