EverQuest 2 Wiki

UPDATE with Chaos Descending: You may now purchase epic 2.0 spells from Alhuurn Khalen in Myrist, the Great Library. These are no longer here

UPDATE with Reign Of Shadows: You may now purchase epic 2.0 spells from Maesy Colmiter in Sanctum Seru

  • Characters must be at least a level 110 adventure or tradeskill class to enter Myrist, the Great Library.
  • If you don't yet have them, this quest line rewards you with class specific epic 2.0 spells and unlocks them at the merchant Alhuurn Khalen for your other chars on your account.
  • You need to read one or two letters automatically placed in your Mailbox, accept the gifts, and follow the instructions to gain entrance to the Library. There is a letter for 110 adventurers and another letter for 110 crafters.


Fabled Version[]

  1. The Warriors Call: Volume I
  2. The Warriors Call: Volume II
  3. The Warriors Call: Volume III
  4. The Warrior's Call: Volume IV
  5. A Weapon Worthy of Tales Told
  6. Witness to the Past

Mythical Version[]

  1. Chaos Effect


  1. Quest rewards with:
  2. Quest rewards with: Receptacle of Time and Space
  3. Quest rewards with:
  4. Quest rewards with: [quest rewards needed]
  5. Quest rewards with:

This timeline details the quests for the class's Epic Weapons 2.0.

You must be at least Level 100 and have one Ascension class at level 5 in order to start this quest line.
