Katenka ( -136, -4, 259 ) Copy/waypoint -136, -4, 259 - under the stairs near the Broker/Tradeskilling area.
Myrvyll T'Verret ( -473, 38, 119 ) Copy/waypoint -473, 38, 119 - second level of the "Hall of the Ebon Mask", outside on the porch overlooking the tunnel into the area
House Z'Xiett slave ( -558, 21, 191 ) Copy/waypoint -558, 21, 191 - outside of "The Bauble" in Cristanos Plaza.
House V'Freervs slave ( -666, 20, 180 ) Copy/waypoint -666, 20, 180 - on the path to the K'Lorn Library past Cristanos Plaza.
This article refers to events, personae and activities only present in-game during the annual Frostfell celebration. Frostfell comes to Norrath each year from (roughly) the second week of December to the first week of January.