Part of the Scorched Sky event, quest added in 2021.
Locate a lava rock in the cliff face. Click on the lava-glowing stone, which leads you to the “Cave of Burning Devotion” at ( -1606, -219, 247 ) Copy/waypoint -1606, -219, 247.
Enter the cave, mobs will scale to your level, but have high resistance to damage, get a merc (see Mercenaries) if you don't already have one and are low level.
Advance until you see a glowing red portal. ( 28, -5, 18 ) Copy/waypoint 28, -5, 18 The infernal fiend in front of the portal must be killed. The lava rocks on each side must be clicked to destroy them. This closes the portal.
Quest will say: "Find a way past the flaming barrier" The correct tunnel/corridor is directly behind you if you are facing the portal you just closed. There is a pyre elemental ( -45, -0, 124 ) Copy/waypoint -45, -0, 124 standing before the burning corridor. Kill him and the fire dies down.
Advance through the corridor at ( -36, 1, 145 ) Copy/waypoint -36, 1, 145. “I made it past the flame barrier.”
Continue until a mob "Adherent Drasithe" ( -96, -1, 207 ) Copy/waypoint -96, -1, 207 knocks you back and stuns you for several seconds. The mob flees. Your merc can take care of the nearby cobra. If you can't afford a merc, pull the cobra from a distance and kill it before you approach the Adherent or you'll be taking damage helplessly for a little while.
Advance until you see the Adherent, he emotes: "It's not just me you have to fight" and attacks. The efreeti, Dath'Fazooth, has assumed the form of Adherent Drasithe and becomes aggro.
At 70% health, he becomes unattackable and mobs spawn from the portal nearby.
Kill (many) mobs until one of the lava rocks is clickable. Once you destroy that rock, the Adherent becomes attackable again.
At 45% this process repeats until you can destroy the other rock.
You're directed to find the corpse of the real Adherent. The unconscious Adherent Drasithe is behind a rock at ( -238, 5, 307 ) Copy/waypoint -238, 5, 307. You can tab-target him. Approach and click his body to get the update.
This article refers to events, personae, items and activities only present in-game during the annual Scorched Sky festivities, which come to Norrath each year, typically in late June.