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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: Dungeon Maker Subtype: Adventure Avatar
Faro' Nuk Maurauder Activator
Dagger Icon 31 (Treasured)
Use this to unlock the Faro' Nuk Maurauder Avatar for play in Dungeon Maker.
  • Adds Faro' Nuk Maurauder to your Dungeon Maker toolbox

\aITEM 734520301 -1782338052:Faro' Nuk Marauder Activator\/a \aITEM 734520301 -1782338052:Faro' Nuk Marauder Activator\/a
What does this information mean?

Avatar Abilities[]

I'm unwilling and unsure how to best create a template for Avatar abilities without community feedback, so I'm just leaving plain-text dumps of the avatar's combat abilities here, listed in the order they appear by default (as of 2/25/12). If it matters - if this is changed before a permanent template is made - these stats assume avatar level 50.

NAME: Blighted Strike

TARGET: 	Enemy
POWER: 		77
CASTING: 	0.5s
RECAST: 	10.0s
RANGE: 		15.0m
EFFECTS: 	477 disease.  Stifles. Epic targets stifled 0.8s, immune to Stifle 7.5s.

NAME: Ahket Attack

TARGET: 	Enemy
POWER: 		77
CASTING: 	0.25s
RECAST: 	1.0s
RANGE: 		25.0m
EFFECTS: 	405-548 piercing.

NAME: Sulite Slash

TARGET: 	Enemy
POWER: 		77
CASTING: 	0.5s
RECAST: 	10.0s
RANGE: 		5.0m
EFFECTS: 	486-658 slashing.  Interrupts.

NAME: Steal Life

TARGET: 	Enemy
POWER: 		102
CASTING: 	0.25s
RECAST: 	10.0s
RANGE: 		20.0m
EFFECTS: 	1096 slashing. Heals 10% max health.


Soe logo white EQ2i credits posts in this thread at the SOE/DBG Forums for some of the information in this article.
