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Far Seas Pack Pegasus

Far Seas Pack Pegasus

Far Seas Pack Pegasus Equipped

Far Seas Pack Pegasus (Equipped)

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Far Seas Pack Pegasus
Only an 93rd and higher seasoned adventurer or tradeskiller will be able to summon this powerful steed.
Far Seas Pack Pegasus
Charges Unlimited
Slot Charm (Optional)
Level 93 (Tier 10)

  • Applies Far Seas Pack Pegasus when Activated.
    • Summons a mount to ride.
      • Increases your Ground Speed by 75%
      • Increases your Air Speed by 150%
    • Increases Trapping, Foresting, Mining, Fishing, Transmuting, and Gathering by 80.0
Obtain: This item can be purchased from Koros Splinterlimb, a Faction Merchant vendor in Mara

\aITEM -649448245 -552950327:Far Seas Pack Pegasus\/a \aITEM -649448245 -552950327:Far Seas Pack Pegasus\/a
What does this information mean?


  • In order to buy this mount, you need 40,000 faction with the Far Seas Supply Division.
  • Purchased with 100 Far Seas Trading Company Tokens.
  • The faction needed to purchase this mount is from the Far Seas Supply Division (Faction), rather than the Far Seas Trading Company. Because the special currency that's needed to buy some items in the Isle of Mara is called Far Seas Trading Company Token, these two factions are easily confused.
  • To check your faction, press C to open the Character window, click on the Factions Tab and set the drop down to Shattered Lands.