What does this information mean?
- You must be able to speak Draconic to complete this quest!
- Go the The Emerald Gulch within The Lesser Faydark and click on the rock to zone into the instance Emerald Halls: Guardian of Growth. ( 177, 0, -602 ) Copy/waypoint 177, 0, -602
- Speak with Kaarla Teofaunta. ( -59, -8, 14 ) Copy/waypoint -58.54, -8.18, 14.28
- Pick up a damaged hollow acorn and examine it. ( -448, -13, -149 ) Copy/waypoint -448, -13, -149
- Return to Kaarla.
- Speak with Wuoshi, the Guardian of Growth. At the end of his dialogue, you will be automatically booted out of the instance.
- Return to Kurista.