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Facing Your Fears

Journal entry

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Collection Quest Information
Collection Name Facing Your Fears
Category: Nights of the Dead
Level 20 (Tier 3)
Zones (Patch) Qeynos Capitol District more, Qeynos Province District more, The City of Freeport more, Frostfang Sea more, Greater Faydark more, Timorous Deep more, Darklight Wood more, Maj'Dul more, Haven more, Great Divide more (Nights of the Dead)
Reward types: House Items

This quest is part of the Collection Quests Timeline

Yellow shiny

A shiny!

Starting the Collection

Most Collection Quests begin by examining any of the members of that collection, which are harvested from special, random ground spawning nodes using the Collecting harvesting skill. Members of this collection can be found as follows:

  • To complete this collection quest, you must grab a shovel, and dig in any one of many cemeteries found around the decorated cities! Occasionally, you will be lucky enough to dig up a treat or collectible, but be careful: you might also dig up an irate ghost or skeleton.

Collection Members


Special Notes

Locations for shovels and gravestones include Qeynos, Freeport, New Halas, Kelethin, Gorowyn, Darklight Wood, Maj'Dul, Haven, and on the docks in the Great Divide.

Jack O'Lantern This article refers to events, personae and activities only present in-game during the annual Nights of the Dead festivities, which come to Norrath each year from (roughly) mid- to late-October through to early- to mid-November.

Daybreak Games
