This timeline gives the details of the collection quests introduced as part of the Fabled Echoes of Faydwer update. These collections listed here are part of the overall list of collections available in EverQuest II, which are listed at Collection Quests Timeline.
The collections that are listed below are needed to get the Torque of Ancient Faydwer neckpiece.
An overview of how the collections needed to obtain the neckpiece are linked together can be viewed at Fabled Echoes of Faydwer Collection Timeline/Summary.
This is a summary of the main hierarchy of collection quests added as part of the EOF Fabled update.
(1) There are five shiny collections (numbers 1-5 below) completed from ground spawns in Advanced Solo (AS) zones. These allow the completion of the Marrow meta-collection, and earn the Ancient Mistmoore Catacombs Map for the final collection.
(2) There are fifteen more shiny collections (numbers 6-20 below) completed from chest drops from named mobs in AS and Heroic zones and ground spawns in heroic zones. These allow the completion of the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection, and earn the Ancient Lesser Faydark Map for the final collection.
(3) There is a collection item that is dropped from Master Clockwork Protocol in the Fabled Court of Innovation heroic zone. It has been reported that this is also a very rare chest drop in the AS zones. This is the Ancient Faydwer Continent Map for the final collection. Note that this item is NO TRADE.
(4) Upon completion of the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection, BLUE SHINIES become visible in heroic zones (three per zone). There are five blue shiny collections (numbers 21-25 below). These allow the completion of the Freethinker Documents meta-collection, and earn the Ancient Loping Plains Map for the final collection.
(5) Once the blue shinies have been completed, GREEN SHINIES become visible in heroic zones, two per zone. There are two green shiny collections (numbers 26-27 below). These allow earning the Ancient Butcherblock Mountains Map and the Ancient Steamfont Mountains Map for the final collection.
(6) Once the green shinies have been completed, PURPLE SHINIES become visible in heroic zones, one per zone. There is one purple shiny collection (number 28 below). This allows earning the Ancient Greater Faydark Map for the final collection.
Note that although the shinies of each colour are not visible until those of the immediately previous colour have been completed, they can still be bought from other players and added to the collections.
Basic Collections[]
- Bloodcovet Beads of Time
- Bloodcovet Beads of Power
- Bloodcovet Beads of Worship
- Bloodcovet Beads of Arms
- Bloodcovet Beads of Honor
- Reward Boiler Marrow (for the Marrow meta-collection)
- Mana Infused Rune of Arts
- Mana Infused Rune of Double Cast
- Mana Infused Rune of War
- Mana Infused Rune of Battle
- Mana Infused Rune of Spells
- Reward Ravager Marrow (for the Marrow meta-collection)
- Ivory D'Vinnian Cameo
- Etched D'Vinnian Cameo
- Wooden D'Vinnian Cameo
- Golden D'Vinnian Cameo
- Stone D'Vinnian Cameo
- Reward Feeder Marrow (for the Marrow meta-collection)
4. Shields of the Klakdyne Gearknight
- Titanium Shield of the Klakdyne Gearknight
- Velium Shield of the Klakdyne Gearknight
- Steel Shield of the Klakdyne Gearknight
- Alloy Shield of the Klakdyne Gearknight
- Iron Shield of the Klakdyne Gearknight
- Reward Ripper Marrow (for the Marrow meta-collection)
- Wooly Trueborn Cummerbund
- Ironed Trueborn Cummerbund
- Silken Trueborn Cummerbund
- Jeweled Trueborn Cummerbund
- Sanguine Trueborn Cummerbund
- Reward Zylphax Marrow (for the Marrow meta-collection)
- Bloodcovet Departed Soul
- D'Vinnian Departed Soul
- Drelock Departed Soul
- Marrow Departed Soul
- Trueborn Departed Soul
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdyne Eliminator (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
- Bloodcovet Cordon of Death
- Bloodcovet Cordon of Hostility
- Bloodcovet Cordon of Ire
- Bloodcovet Cordon of Life
- Bloodcovet Cordon of Sanguine
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdroid Sentinel (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
8. Mechnamagica
- Corroded Mechnamagica
- Iron Mechnamagica
- Polished Mechnamagica
- Rusted Mechnamagica
- Steel Mechnamagica
- Reward Scepter of the Mechnamagica Drone (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
9. Power Cells
- Golden Power Cell
- Charged Power Cell
- Iron Power Cell
- Copper Power Cell
- Eruptive Power Cell
- Reward Scepter of the Mechnamagica Hunter (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
10. Symbols of the Blade Geist
- Blade Geist Symbol of Blood
- Blade Geist Symbol of Chaos
- Blade Geist Symbol of Destruction
- Blade Geist Symbol of Doom
- Blade Geist Symbol of Strength
- Reward Scepter of the Mechnamagica Seeker (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
11. Trueborn Cordon
- Trueborn Cordon of Courage
- Trueborn Cordon of Family
- Trueborn Cordon of Grace
- Trueborn Cordon of Honor
- Trueborn Cordon of Time
- Reward Scepter of the Mechnamagica Technician (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
- Mana Infused Obelisk
- Mana Infused Orb
- Mana Infused Talisman
- Mana Infused Totem
- Mana Infused Wand
- Reward Scepter of the Mechnamagica Battler (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
13. Crushbone Brands
- Brand of the Crushbone Centurion
- Brand of the Crushbone Conscript
- Brand of the Crushbone Emissary
- Brand of the Crushbone Legionnaire
- Brand of the Crushbone Oracle
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdyne Decimator (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
- D'Vinnian Blood Armor
- D'Vinnian Blood Axe
- D'Vinnian Blood Charm
- D'Vinnian Blood Dagger
- D'Vinnian Blood Oath
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdyne Worker (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
15. Emperor D'Vinn Possessions
- Emperor D'Vinn's Emerald Pendant
- Emperor D'Vinn's Golden Mirror
- Emperor D'Vinn's Etched Flask
- Emperor D'Vinn's Jeweled Dagger
- Emperor D'Vinn's Ruby Ring
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdyne Zookeeper (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
- Rune of Animated Intelligence
- Rune of Animated Motion
- Rune of Animated Obedience
- Rune of Animated Power
- Rune of Animated Will
- Reward Scepter of the Heavy Metal Decimator (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
17. Drelock Markers
- Bloody Drelock Marker
- Broken Drelock Marker
- Dirty Drelock Marker
- Golden Drelock Marker
- Soggy Drelock Marker
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdyne Shredder (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
- Bolgorak the Scourge's Axe
- Bolgorak the Scourge's Gauntlets
- Bolgorak the Scourge's Helm
- Bolgorak the Scourge's Serrated Blade
- Bolgorak the Scourge's War Hammer
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdrone Ward (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
19. Blades of the Klakdyne Gearknight
- Fiery Battle Sword
- Golden Bastard Sword
- Iron Jagged Axe
- Molten Great Sword
- Platinum Claymore
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdroid Gate Watcher (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
- Defender's Sturdy Bolt
- Defender's Sturdy Chassis
- Defender's Sturdy Cog
- Defender's Sturdy Servo
- Defender's Sturdy Wiring
- Reward Scepter of the Klakdrone Watcher (for the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
21. Bloodcovet Daggers (Blue Shinies)
- Bloodcovet Dagger of Monstrosity
- Bloodcovet Dagger of Free Will
- Bloodcovet Dagger of Night
- Bloodcovet Dagger of Flaying
- Bloodcovet Dagger of Murder
- Reward: Faded Freethinker Document (for the Freethinker Documents meta-collection)
22. D'Morte Sigils (Blue Shinies)
- D'Morte Sigil of Blood
- D'Morte Sigil of Feeding
- D'Morte Sigil of Potency
- D'Morte Sigil of Substance
- D'Morte Sigil of Tenacity
- Reward: Folded Freethinker Document (for the Freethinker Documents meta-collection)
23. Drained Power Cells (Blue Shinies)
- Copper Drained Power Cell
- Correded Drained Power Cell
- Velium Drained Power Cell
- Alloy Drained Power Cell
- Preserved Drained Power Cell
- Reward: Torn Freethinker Document (for the Freethinker Documents meta-collection)
24. D'Vinnian Clasps (Blue Shinies)
- D'Vinnian Bone Clasp
- D'Vinnian Silver Clasp
- D'Vinnian Etched Clasp
- D'Vinnian Golden Clasp
- D'Vinnian Ivory Clasp
- Reward Singed Freethinker Document (for the Freethinker Documents meta-collection)
25. Trueborn Shields (Blue Shinies)
- Trueborn Shield of Conviction
- Trueborn Shield of Desire
- Trueborn Shield of Honor
- Trueborn Shield of Intention
- Trueborn Shield of Mind
- Reward Pristine Freethinker Document (for the Freethinker Documents meta-collection)
26. Eidolons of Steamfont Mountains (Green Shinies)
- Eidolon of Grikbar
- Eidolon of Balespring
- Eidolon of Bloodthorn
- Eidolon of Smokehorn
- Eidolon of Viridian
- Eidolon of Mazkeen
- Eidolon of Hydronach
- Eidolon of Geonach
- Reward Ancient Steamfont Mountains Map (for the Echoes of Faydwer Maps final meta-collection)
27. Eidolons of Butcherblock Mountains (Green Shinies)
- Eidolon of Yarpsnarl
- Eidolon of Krulkiel
- Eidolon of Irontoe
- Eidolon of Thex
- Eidolon of Kragploom
- Eidolon of Tydesylph
- Eidolon of Shadesire
- Eidolon of Slagslore
- Reward Ancient Butcherblock Mountains Map (for the Echoes of Faydwer Maps final meta-collection)
28. Echoes of Faydwer (Purple Shinies)
- Reflection of Valdoon
- Reflection of Innovation
- Reflection of Meldrath
- Reflection of Felwithe
- Reflection of Faydark
- Reflection of Kelethin
- Reflection of Unrest
- Reflection of Blight
- Reward: Ancient Greater Faydark Map (for the Echoes of Faydwer Maps final meta-collection)
Marrow (Items obtained by completing collections 1-5 above)
- Boiler Marrow (from the Bloodcovet Beads collection)
- Ravager Marrow (from the Mana Infused Runes collection)
- Feeder Marrow (from the D'Vinnian Cameos collection)
- Ripper Marrow (from the Shields of the Klakdyne Gearknight collection)
- Zylphax Marrow (from the Trueborn Cummerbunds collection)
- Reward: Ancient Mistmoore Catacombs Map (for the Echoes of Faydwer Maps final meta-collection)
King Klak'Anon Scepters (Items obtained by completing collections 6-20 above)
- Scepter of the Klakdyne Eliminator (from the Departed Souls collection)
- Scepter of the Klakdroid Sentinel (from the Bloodcovet Cordon collection)
- Scepter of the Mechnamagica Drone (from the Mechnamagica collection)
- Scepter of the Mechnamagica Hunter (from the Power Cells collection)
- Scepter of the Mechnamagica Seeker (from the Symbols of the Blade Geist collection)
- Scepter of the Mechnamagica Technician (from the Trueborn Cordon collection)
- Scepter of the Mechnamagica Battler (from the Mana Infused Objects collection)
- Scepter of the Klakdyne Decimator (from the Crushbone Brands collection)
- Scepter of the Klakdyne Worker (from the D'Vinnian Objects collection)
- Scepter of the Klakdyne Zookeeper (from the Emperor D'Vinn Possessions collection)
- Scepter of the Heavy Metal Decimator (from the Animated Sentinel Runes collection)
- Scepter of the Klakdyne Shredder (from the Drelock Markers collection)
- Scepter of the Klakdrone Ward (from the Bolgorak the Scourge collection)
- Scepter of the Klakdroid Gate Watcher (from the Blades of the Klakdyne Gearknight collection)
- Scepter of the Klakdrone Watcher (from the Clockwork Defender Parts collection)
- Reward: Ancient Lesser Faydark Map (for the Echoes of Faydwer Maps final meta-collection)
Freethinker Documents (Items obtained by completing collections 21-25 above)
- Faded Freethinker Document (from the Bloodcovet Daggers collection)
- Folded Freethinker Document (from the D'Morte Sigils collection)
- Torn Freethinker Document (from the Drained Power Cells collection)
- Singed Freethinker Document (from the D'Vinnian Clasps collection)
- Pristine Freethinker Document (from the Trueborn Shields collection)
- Reward: Ancient Loping Plains Map (for the Echoes of Faydwer Maps final meta-collection)
Final Meta-Collection for Final Reward[]
- Ancient Steamfont Mountains Map (from the Eidolons of Steamfont Mountains collection)
- Ancient Butcherblock Mountains Map (from the Eidolons of Butcherblock Mountains collection)
- Ancient Lesser Faydark Map (from the King Klak'Anon Scepters meta-collection)
- Ancient Greater Faydark Map (from the Echoes of Faydwer collection)
- Ancient Loping Plains Map (from the Freethinker Documents meta-collection)
- Ancient Faydwer Continent Map (Chest drop from Fabled EoF zone final nameds)
- Ancient Mistmoore Catacombs Map (from the Marrow meta-collection)
- Reward: Torque of Ancient Faydwer
Raid Collections[]
- Fragment of Ydal - Bottom Left
- Fragment of Ydal - Bottom Right
- Fragment of Ydal - Top Right
- Fragment of Ydal - Top Left
- Reward: Ankh of Ydal
- Fabled Fragment of Ydal - Bottom Left
- Fabled Fragment of Ydal - Bottom Right
- Fabled Fragment of Ydal - Top Right
- Fabled Fragment of Ydal - Top Left
- Reward: Fabled Ankh of Ydal