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Eye of the Prophet
Item 3452
White Adornment Slot Green Adornment Slot Orange Adornment Slot 
861 Primary Attributes 1,182 Stamina
41,533 Health 18,685 Power
149.6% Crit Chance
243.9% Crit Bonus
2,957.1%  Potency
35.1% Reuse Speed
19.6% Mitigation Increase
35 Resolve
1.6 Ability Doublecast
+6 Fervor Overcap
31,268 Ability Mod
Ascendants Grace
Slot Neck
Level 110 (Tier 12)

  • When Equipped:
    • Increases the damage and healing of Wildfire, Levinbolt, Stone Hammer, and Septic Strike by 5.
Obtain: Reward from the collection quest, Vestiges of Prophecy.

\aITEM -1415703754 456103514:Eye of the Prophet\/a \aITEM -1415703754 456103514:Eye of the Prophet\/a
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can be upgraded to Astral Eye of the Prophet at Amarat the Procurer for 5 Tears of Ro and 5,000p 500,000 status, after finishing the Vestiges of Prophecy collection and "obtaining" the "PoP: Planar Raid Key (Tier 3 Raid)"

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