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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Treasure Hunt  (AA)
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 102 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Thalumbra, the Ever Deep more
How to Start Click an ascension brazier-104, 233, -695 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Timeline
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What does this information mean?

The flames of this ascension brazier call upon the Aberrants from below. I need to extinguish the flames somehow, and do so as quickly as I can!


  • You have 4 minutes to complete this quest.
  • The quest starter is found in a cave up in the ceiling of Thalumbra. The cave entrance is at ( -83, 236, -779 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.


  1. Extinguish three flames in the ascension brazier.
    • Note the color of the brazier's flame. Your quest journal will also state the color. The flame colors are random each time.
  2. Kill Aberrant Ascenders near the top edge of the room, looting a colored ascension stone from each.
    • Each aberrant will drop a red, blue or yellow ascension stone.
      • Two of these stones will be combined to form a new stone that matches the color of the flame to be extinguished.
      • There is a subtle aura around each aberrant that will have the same color as the stone it drops, so you will only have to kill the two that you need.
    • Look for aberrants up high around the edges of the cave. Possible locations include:
      • -53, 263, -687 ) Copy
      • -69, 299, -601 ) Copy
      • -106, 233, -692 ) Copy
      • -169, 312, -622 ) Copy
      • -205, 302, -721 ) Copy
  3. Right-click and Examine one of the stones in order to combine it with another stone.
  4. Click the brazier to extinguish the flame.

