Use the Enchanted Whistle of the Freethinker to hail Monika Davissi ( 3, -7, -40 ) Copy/waypoint 3, -7, -40 in The Forgotten Waterway within Castle Mistmoore. In order to get to Monika you have to click a chest at ( -54, -0, -12 ) Copy/waypoint -53.77, -0.15, -11.96 - this will open the nearby secret door allowing you to go down to the lower grotto area. Once there, you will notice a red shimmering walkway ( -24, -10, 8 ) Copy/waypoint -24, -10, 8 that you can use to access the ledge where Monika is.
Return to the jail and escort a captured elf ( -254, 5, -40 ) Copy/waypoint -254, 4.9, -40 safely from the jail to the main entrance of the dungeon. Speak to the elf to have it start following you.